Joy in the Journey
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Her first day
Today there was a new face at the orphanage, Anafina. We know little about the story that brought her to Sfanta Ana (the orphanage) to live. She has a sweet spirit and wanted nothing but to be hugged repeatedly. She called me "mami" often and listened attentively to what we said. I do know that she is 12 and does not go to school. Pray that she finds love and acceptance through the ministry of Stepping Forward.Sunday, May 28, 2006
It is not wrong, just different
Church this morning was excellent ... I always enjoy attending church in Bucharest because I get to see many friends who serve in other parts of the city. Also, I really enjoy singing praise songs in Romanian. We attend a Calvary Chapel church in the city lead by an American and Romanian pastor. The only disconcerting aspect of the service is that I hear the sermon twice - once in English and then in the Romanian translation. I get tried bouncing between both languages but learn a lot.There was no time for a Sunday afternoon nap today. The DeWeerds were given an incredible blessing of a new house to move into this week. They need to be out of their apartment by June 1 so we helped them move today. No U-Hauls here ... It was packing and loading boxes into the ministry truck and driving across town to their new house. Thankfully it was a gorgeous day to move with light breezes, moderate temps, and sunshine ... rain would have cramped our style (see below).
Pray for Scott and Noemi as they settle into their new house and that it becomes a place of rest and refuge as the serve in Bucharest.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Camp Living Water
For as long as I have know Cami, my best friend, she has talked about wanting to open a Christian camp with her husband Steve in Romania. Along with another missionary couple, the DeWeerds (also dear friends), they have worked hard the last year to bring Camp Living Water, part of Stepping Forward's ministry, to life. I have to honestly say this is one of the few times I have gotten to be witness to a God-given dream unfolding before my eyes. A beautiful piece of land nestled in the foothills of the Carpathians mountains was waiting for them to purchase. Friday and Saturday this week we traveled three hours north of Bucharest to where land has been purchased and the camp will open later this summer. We had the opportunity to tent camp on the land and it is one of the most peaceful spots on earth.As I walked the camp site I prayed for the many orphan children who will also have the chance to come away to the mountains and learn more of how special God created them. Over the next several years there will be many obstacles in opening the camp. Pray they can be overcome. But what a blessing will it be when the abandoned and abused who live in the orphanages in Bucharest get to come and experience the love and support that will be found at this camp.
We weathered the weekend well as we hiked through the near by forest and sat by the campfire exchanging stories. God gave us terrific weather and a much needed rest after an emotional week of ministry.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I just realized I have forgotten an EXTREMLY important piece of information. We are working with a small evangelical ministry in Bucharest called Stepping Forward. To learn more about the organization click on their link in the right column. At this time they are ministering to a group of girls in an orphanage in Bucharest. Several times a week they bring games, sports equipment, crafts, or bible lessons to the girls who live there. However, mostly they provide essential esteem building words and hugs that are lacking in the lives of the orphaned girls.Today was craft day. We spread the parachute and a blanket out under a shade tree and laid out markers, brown paper sacks, and stickers. The girls then made puppets of themselves. What an incredible hour (yes, it ready did take that long) of creativity. I also worked with several girls at saying please and thank you when sharing makers. I think I came back with more marker on me than the puppets!
The girl to the right is special to me. She has varying special needs probably due to her stay in the orphanage. Each day she greets me with a smile, hug, kiss, and then gently takes my hand and we walk to a park bench. I try to talk to her but she just likes sitting or walking hand in hand. I love her smile and want to bottle her giggle to take home with me. Pray that through the ministry of Stepping Forward she comes to know Jesus in a true and real way.
Unto the least of these ...
Early Tuesday morning we woke up to travel to a local baby hospital to help with bath time. It has been my experience that when you tell children that they are going to have to take a bath, there is ALOT of yelling, screaming, and running as far away from the bathtub as possible. When we arrived at the hospital on a warm May morning water was already being drawn for the abandoned toddlers and infants - and there was screams. Not from fear, but anger that it was not their turn to bathe. I picked up a sweat-drenched toddler from her crib and with her whole body weight she rocked forward in my arms motioning towards the bathtub. Unfortunately, another child already occupied the tub and she had to wait. That is what ensued the screaming. Bath time brings comfort and peace that institutionalized children need.After bath time events were much calmer. There was a lot of rocking, cuddling, hugs, kisses, and playing with toys in the small crib filled room. We were partnering with another organization that works specifically with abandoned babies in Bucharest. It was a joy to lend helping hands to care for these children.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Day 1
I can't stress enough how important it is for consistent care for the girls in the orphanage. As I talked up to the building today I saw little faces light up as the recognized me. "You came back!!" they shouted as smiles stretched across their faces and arms flung around my waist in many hugs.Ministry here can be very simple. Today I swung on a swing set with 2 girls and simply talked - or listened more importantly. I think they were talking about school and what they like to so for fun. My Romanian is rusty ... and I was swinging back and forth. That was it ... that is what these 2 girls needed just someone to sit and listen.
Monday, May 22, 2006
We're over here
Just a quick post to let everyone know that we arrived in Romania. All belongings are accounted for and we are in dire need of some rest.Friday, May 19, 2006
Preparing my heart
I woke up this morning and I could smell Bucharest. For those of you who have been there you might be thinking that this is not a good thing. To add to my insanity I also imagined the street sounds, barking dogs, and car alarms. A flash of "I wonder if there is hot water?" also went through my mind. I smiled. It is these little things that we can look as discomfort and can become huge distractions while we are there. Ironically, I am looking forward to these little discomforts because I know that I will also be able to hug children who may only get one hug that day and I will be able to serve alongside my dearest friends in the whole world.I thank God that I have the opportunity to serve in this way. I am a small town girl whose biggest travel adventure use to be going to the mall 45 minutes away from my house. Now, I get to travel all over the world hauling gifts and treasures to those who need it most. WOW! What a great God I serve ... Want to come along?
The real question is ... How small can you make 50 pounds (x2) worth of stuff.If any one is working on that "beam-me-up" technology, I am willing to invest!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
t minus three days and counting
The days have silently been counting down to when I return to Romania. Albeit only for a short time my heart is going home and I am extremely excited. The next few days will be filled with packing, cramming, calling, and last minute shopping (I always get a desperate request from a missionary friend in Romania!). However, in the midst of that pray with me for the hearts of the children we will be working with in Bucharest. I can't wait to see how they have grown physically and spiritually in the last six months.A full prayer calendar is available at . Click on Spring Updates.