Thursday, May 29, 2008

Picking up where we left off

My first several days in Romania have been, well, normal.  Though I know that it is not every one's normal.  But the type of normality that comes only when I walk through the foreign only to find the familiar.  Sights, smells, sounds all bring comfort of an era that I once knew as home.  Then there are the faces.  Ones that I long ago said good-bye too, but through the grace of a good God, get to once again say hello to.  The first photo is of some former students and a colleague.  Hearing how they are following the Lord faithfully seasoned the joyous reunion.  I was told recently that good-byes are just temporary, perhaps there is truth to that.

When people ask what I will be doing when I go to Romania, I don't really have a glamorous missionary answer to give them.  Recently my trips here have been just living, walking, and serving alongside those I hold dear.  Today it was watching the baby as her parents were in a meeting.  It is shopping and helping prepare food for a reunion dinner.  It is listening to ideas, and helping prepare for future ministry projects.  It is stepping back into a role I left, so that I could faithfully serve else.  I am thankful for the opportunity to come back and just be here.


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