Unto the least of these ...
Early Tuesday morning we woke up to travel to a local baby hospital to help with bath time. It has been my experience that when you tell children that they are going to have to take a bath, there is ALOT of yelling, screaming, and running as far away from the bathtub as possible. When we arrived at the hospital on a warm May morning water was already being drawn for the abandoned toddlers and infants - and there was screams. Not from fear, but anger that it was not their turn to bathe. I picked up a sweat-drenched toddler from her crib and with her whole body weight she rocked forward in my arms motioning towards the bathtub. Unfortunately, another child already occupied the tub and she had to wait. That is what ensued the screaming. Bath time brings comfort and peace that institutionalized children need.After bath time events were much calmer. There was a lot of rocking, cuddling, hugs, kisses, and playing with toys in the small crib filled room. We were partnering with another organization that works specifically with abandoned babies in Bucharest. It was a joy to lend helping hands to care for these children.
PS ... this baby is 8 months old!
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