The summer by the NUMBERS
It is Labor Day weekend, meaning the summer is unofficially over. I thought I would send out a little summary of my summer for all of those who tried to keep up with me. As only a Math Teacher would, I will highlight the numbers.~ I collected approximately 15,000 air miles between May and July. (Which is also about how many miles I will put on my car between August and May.)
~ There are 85 girls at Sfanta Ana Children's Home in Bucharest, Romania who are touched by Stepping Forward's Ministry each week. Myself and 2 other ladies served with them in May.
~ 7 babies got baths, bottles, and cuddles at the “Baby Hospital” in Bucharest.
~ Drove by the marker for 45 degrees North Latitude on the road to Sinia, Romania.
~ The birth of 1 nephew. Who is the first child of my sister, first grandchild of my parents, the obviously my first nephew. He is also the cutest baby in the world.
~ Witnessed the graduation of Bucharest Christian Academy's Class of 2006. There were 8 graduates, 5 of which were students of mine.
~ 1,200 to 1,400 patients were seen in the medical clinic in Cap Haitian, Haiti I was a part of in June. I was on a team of 5 women and 1 male doctor.
~ 50 surgeries took place in that same clinic. 1 of which I assisted in, though I almost passed out and decided to stay with teaching. No medical school for me! :)
~ 120 new international educators received pre-field training from the Association of Christian School International in Houghton, New York. I was honored to be a part of there sending out.
~ 5 wonderful ladies were part of my small group at Pre-Field Orientation. 3 are currently on the field on 3 different continents. The other 2 will be serving overseas within the year.
~ Stood by the marker for 45 North Latitude in Niagara, NY.
~ It took me 10 days to move out of my old apartment and into my new apartment. It was over 100 degrees for 5 of those days.
~ I met 19 other members of the staff from Peoria Christian Middle School in a 2-day retreat. The retreat site was at a campground where I attended AWANA Scholarship Camp years ago.
~ Met the 138 – 5th and 6th graders at PCMS. I have all of their first names down, as long as they are sitting in their assigned seats.
~ Attended 1 softball game in 3 soccer games the 2nd week of school. Go Chargers!
~ Thankful for the numberless prayers that carried me through the summer.