Monday, June 19, 2006

Travel Day

The undecipherable chatter rose and fell in the warm room lolling me as a lullaby. We sat melting in the chairs of the "small airport" watching the Haitians around us move in a similar pattern. Everyone seemed to have a purpose or a job. One airline employee grabbed a bag off a cart that had been rolled into the room. Others wearing similar t-shirts descended on the cart each handling a different bag. An exchange of directions was given and all was in motion. All along the humming fans moved the warm air around the room. I was in Haiti.

The entire travel process is simply a chore or adventure - one must choose how to handle it. From early morning wake-up calls, to unreliable taxis - all worked together to get us to that point of sitting and waiting for the next plane. As we waited I am sure we all had questions swarming around our heads. Questions of what are task in Haiti was to be, and questions of whom we were working alongside. The June 2006 Haiti team consisted of 6 members. A doctor, a middle school student, a pharm rep, stay at home mom, an air force officer, and myself. Not exactly who you would imagine equipping a medical team, but yet there we sat sweating and smiling together. Looking back I can't help but think of another team that the Lord put together - a tax collector and some fishermen, all lead by a carpenter. Just look what they got done ...


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